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University of Mississippi

Ongoing Projects

A Laboratory Based Study of Parent and Adolescent Anxiety and Related Problems

A laboratory-based project examining associations between parent and adolescent anxiety, stress, sleep difficulties, substance use, and related problems. Involves multiple lab visits, daily diary completion, and 6 and 12-month follow-ups.

PI: Sarah Bilsky

Maternal Social Anxiety and Maternal Reactions to Adolescent Positive Affect

This project used an online experiment to examine the association between maternal social anxiety and maternal reactions to adolescent displays of positive affect.

PI: Hannah Friedman (graduate student)

Flight, Fight, or Freeze Response and Trauma Reactions

This project used an experimental psychopathology approach in the lab to examine the association between the flight, fight, and freeze response and analog responses to trauma cues.

PI: Jamie Murtaugh (graduate student)

The Association between Anxiety Sensitivity, Sleep, and Alcohol Use

This project uses actigraphy, daily diary approaches, and self-report measures to examine the associations between sleep, anxiety sensitivity, and alcohol use among undergraduate students.

PI: Kayce Hopper (graduate student)

Adolescent Body Dysmorphia, Eating Disorder, Anxiety/Depressive Symptoms, and Motives for Social Media Use

A project examining the associations between adolescent BDD, ED, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and social media use.

PIs: Sarah Bilsky and Kaylan Melvin (honors student)

Recently Completed Projects

An Experimental Examination of Parental Emotion Regulation Strategies in Relation to Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

A project examining the associations between parental self-reported and experimentally assessed emotion regulation with parental anxiety and depressive symptoms.

PIs: Sarah Bilsky and Max Luber (graduate student)

Parenting Stress, Anxiety, and Substance Use

A project examining the associations between maternal transdiagnostic emotional vulnerability factors, parenting stress, and maternal alcohol/cigarette use among mothers of adolescents.

PI: Sarah Bilsky

Adolescent Anxiety and Safety Behaviors

A project examining the associations between adolescent safety behavior use, emotion vulnerability factors, and anxiety symptoms among adolescents.

PIs: Sarah Bilsky and Emily Olson (honors student)

Adolescent Emotional Vulnerability Factors, Sleep, and Alcohol Use

A project examining the association between adolescent emotion vulnerability factors, sleep, and alcohol use.

PIs: Sarah Bilsky and Gabrielle Armstrong (honors student)

Social Anxiety, Prosocial Behaviors, and Exclusion in Emerging Adults

This project used an online chat room paradigm to examine whether elevated social anxiety levels interacted with the type of social interaction (i.e., implicit ignoring, explicit exclusion, and acceptance) experienced in relation to prosocial behavior.

PIs: Sarah Bilsky and Hannah Friedman (graduate student)